الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / Jennifer Lopez is facing a lawsuit in Egypt for her concert attire
Jennifer Lopez is facing a lawsuit in Egypt for her concert attire

Jennifer Lopez is facing a lawsuit in Egypt for her concert attire


Looks like Jenny from the Block is getting a lot of stick. After her first concert in Egypt on Friday, held in the northern coastal city of El Alamein, her outfits caught the attention of lawyer Samir Sabri.

Sabri spoke to local media, describing the singer’s clothing as “transparent and naked attire that violates Egyptian norms and traditions.” He also took a moment to tell the media of his plans to file lawsuit against Lopez and the concert’s organisers. Sabri was not holding back and even demanded that local authorities ban her from entering the country again.

However, the lawyer did not stop there. It was not just JLo’s outfits that didn’t sit well with him, but the date too. He also felt the timing was inappropriate considering a recent terror attack in Cairo. And, it wasn’t just JLo that Sabri was calling the fashion police on as he also singled out ministers who attended the concert and wore white clothes, despite the recent “painful terrorist incident.” AND, not only this but her performance took place in the last 10 days of the Hijri month Dhu al-Hijjah, a time in which Muslims perform the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. So, it’s safe to say he’s got a few issues… to say the least.

“It’s unacceptable for some people to be (performing religious rituals) in Mount Arafat while others watch a star perform in controversial attire,” he said.

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