الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / Watch Janet Jackson surprise a superfan dad at her show
Watch Janet Jackson surprise a superfan dad at her show

Watch Janet Jackson surprise a superfan dad at her show


One of Janet Jackson’s biggest fans got the surprise of a lifetime this weekend.

Twitter users may recall an adorable video that KB Strawder Jr. () posted on Father’s Day of his dad excitedly receiving tickets to Janet Jackson’s Las Vegas show. Well, Strawder Jr. and his dad finally went to the show, and Janet Jackson herself surprised them with an in-person meet and greet.

“Remember my dads reaction on Father’s Day to him finding out he was going to see @JanetJackson show in Las Vegas?….well we went to the show and there was one more surprise,” @Real_KB tweeted on Sunday.

The video shows Jackson surprising Strawder Jr.’s father from behind just as he was gushing about the show. His face says it all, and after he comes out of his state of shock the two embrace and spend a moment chatting together.

“Very nice to meet you. Wow… Thank you, thank you so much,” he can be heard telling Jackson.

The family also got a nice photograph with Jackson, which I’m sure will be proudly hanging in dad’s house very soon.

When you look back at just how excited Strawder Jr.’s dad was to receive the tickets to Jackson’s show, you’ll really be able to imagine how much the night must have meant to him. 

We stan wholesome Twitter dads.

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