الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / World's largest single solar project goes live in Abu Dhabi
World's largest single solar project goes live in Abu Dhabi

World's largest single solar project goes live in Abu Dhabi


The world’s largest single solar project is now live.

Emirates Water and Electricity Company (EWEC) has revealed that Noor Abu Dhabi, claimed as to be the world’s largest single solar project, has started commercial operation.

The 1,117 MW solar plant, constructed at the cost of Dhs 3.2 billion, will enable Abu Dhabi to reduce the use of natural gas in electricity generation.

The plant contains more than 3.2 million solar panels across the 8 kilometre-squared location and will provide enough capacity to cover the demand of 90,000 people.

Located at Sweihan in Abu Dhabi, the project is a joint venture between the Abu Dhabi Power Corporation and a consortium of Japan’s Marubeni Corp and China’s Jinko Solar Holding.

Abu Dhabi has a target of reducing the emirate’s carbon dioxide emissions by 1 million metric tonnes per year, roughly equal to removing 200,000 cars from the road.

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