الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / Here are the 13 best tweets of the week
Here are the 13 best tweets of the week

Here are the 13 best tweets of the week



Another week in the pandemic and things are looking, well, just plain awful and terrifying in the United States.

But those of us on Twitter are still out here tweeting, so that’s something. I guess. We’ve been collecting for a while now. Why? Maybe to send you a little laugh. Maybe to distract you for like a minute. And why not? 

So, here they are, 13 of the best tweets this week. Enjoy! And please stay safe. 

1. Beef fizz

2. A great reviewer

3. Disgusting

4. Mashable’s own Morgan Sung with some wonderful new decor on her fridge

6. Wow. Deep.

7. The obligatory dril tweet

8. Henry Winkler being Henry Winkler

9. He’s not wrong

10. Rog** Fed****

11. Sobering indeed

12. Very real

13. Get your life right

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