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The 2021 Oscars likely to be postponed

The 2021 Oscars likely to be postponed


The entertainment industry’s projects and releases have come to a screeching halt due to the coronavirus pandemic, which might call for some extreme measures.

While the Oscar ceremony is not scheduled to take place till February 2021, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is weighing in its options.

“It’s likely they’ll be postponed,” one of the sources revealed to Variety. Even so, details such as when it might be moved to have not been discussed or locked down.

Recently, the Oscars also made its first ever exception in April by stating that movies streaming on online platforms will be termed as eligible in 2020 due to COVID-19. The Academy president added that it is currently too early to make any concrete decisions.

“It’s impossible to know what the landscape will be,” he said. “We know we want to celebrate film but we do not know exactly what form it will take.”

With the landscape of movies changing drastically, the Academy will also have to revisit it’s rules regarding film releases and deadlines if it decides to postpone the Oscars.

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