الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / Wendy Williams is under fire for mocking Joaquin Phoenix's "cleft lip"
Wendy Williams is under fire for mocking Joaquin Phoenix's "cleft lip"

Wendy Williams is under fire for mocking Joaquin Phoenix's "cleft lip"


Wendy Williams is not exactly known for her classy delivery on sensitive topics and she regularly steps out of line. The latest instance was during a segment about the Golden Globes. During the awards ceremony, Beyoncé came under fire for choosing not to stand during a standing ovation for actor Joaquin Phoenix.

Williams didn’t exactly start off on the right foot as she clearly struggled to recall who Phoenix (the star of one of 2019’s highest grossing films, Joker) was. “In my universe, who is Joaquin Phoenix?,” she asked. She then addressed a still from the film and reiterated her ignorance, saying “This right here, I don’t know anything about this.”

Moving on from the film, Williams then decided to share with the audience that although she doesn’t know much about Phoenix’s work, she does find him “oddly attractive” and then began further objectifying him, pointing out the facial features she liked.

One of which, was his, “Cleft lip. I find that to be very attractive,” Williams then gestured to demonstrate.

Naturally, the vile gesture has garnered some backlash online

A cleft lip is an opening or split in the upper lip that occurs when developing facial structures in an unborn baby don’t close completely. Joaquin Phoenix was born with a microform cleft lip, a less severe condition that forms a scar-like marking on the upper lip.

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