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الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / UAE elections candidate promotes polygamy in her campaign posters
UAE elections candidate promotes polygamy in her campaign posters

UAE elections candidate promotes polygamy in her campaign posters


The term ‘polygamy’ refers to the concept of having multiple spouses. Although, in previous eras, the concept was considered pretty normal – times are a-changing and it’s becoming increasingly condemnable. So, Sharjah candidate Khawla Al Ali‘s campaign posters promoting the concept are particularly inappropriate.

Her posters are displayed throughout the Emirate, consisting of her image and the slogan: “For a spinsterhood-free society, yes to polygamy.”Basically, in order to save us mere females from dying alone, let’s share a man.

Speaking to The National, Al Ali defended her opinions on polygamy, saying, “I have always believed we should look at polygamy more subjectively. Since I was a teenager I have dreamt of helping bring couples together and thinking about how we can connect people,” she said.

She also said that among her friends, her advice is valued and many approach her seeking guidance in their relationships. “They would complain about marital problems, the solution to which could easily be allowing their husbands to take a second wife,” she said.

To conclude, she also spoke about how she would approach her own marriage, saying, “I may satisfy his heart but not his mind, or the other way around, but he wanted another woman to fulfil his satisfaction, so why should I prevent that from happening?”

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