الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / 25 tweets about being lactose intolerant that won't give you a stomachache
25 tweets about being lactose intolerant that won't give you a stomachache

25 tweets about being lactose intolerant that won't give you a stomachache


People who are lactose intolerant love to pretend they are not lactose intolerant. And who can blame them? Cheese tastes very good.

Still, it’s not a good feeling (to say the least) to realize that the strawberry milkshake you drank to feel like a Riverdale character has betrayed you after all. You knew it was going to happen, didn’t you? But that’s the thing about risking dairy when you’re lactose intolerant. You’re just going to keep getting burned by the enemy. (The enemy is lactose.)

Are you currently experiencing earth-shattering regret after choosing to eat two slices of pizza for lunch? Look at these tweets — you’re not alone! Yes, your stomach still hurts, but maybe you can laugh a little to ease the pain. Don’t laugh too hard, though. That will absolutely make it worse.

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