الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / People are really getting into 'social experiment' surveys on Twitter
People are really getting into 'social experiment' surveys on Twitter

People are really getting into 'social experiment' surveys on Twitter


When you hear the name “Meryl Streep,” what’s the first movie that comes to mind? Perhaps it’s a classic like Kramer vs. Kramer, or maybe it’s a crowd favorite like Mamma Mia. Or maybe, for reasons no regular human could ever understand, it’s Ricki and the Flash. Everyone’s different!

If seeing a bunch of strangers respond to this prompt appeals to you, you’ll love the “social experiment” happening on Twitter this week. Basically, people are tweeting out categories — colors, One Direction members, Frank Ocean songs — then asking their followers to reply with the first example that comes to mind. The only rule: Don’t read the replies first.

Calling this game a “social experiment” is playing a little fast and loose with the definition, but it is interesting to see the results. A tweet about Frank Ocean songs, for example, elicited a noticeably wide range of responses. Clearly, Frank Ocean has made a lot of memorable music. 

When people were asked to name a member of One Direction, though, a disproportionate number chose Louis Tomlinson. Did the Louis brigade notice the tweet and come to defend their boy? Or did “Harry” seem like too obvious a choice? It seemed a little weird until … ah, yes, there it is. The question was posted by a Louis stan. 

So while we can’t really draw any real conclusions from the data — it’s all anecdotal — it’s fun to think about why the answers shook out the way they did. 

Plus, it’s fun to watch people half-jokingly try to get people to share their credit card numbers. (Do not share your credit card number.)

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