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الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / Egyptian actress Ragaa El Geddawy passes away due to COVID-19
Egyptian actress Ragaa El Geddawy passes away due to COVID-19

Egyptian actress Ragaa El Geddawy passes away due to COVID-19


The famous Egyptian actress had died due to coronavirus. Ragaa El Geddawy was diagnosed 43 days ago, and since then spent her time in insolation at a hospital in Ismailia, as reported by her daughter Amira Hassan Mokhtar.

The 81-year old actress whose career spanned over six decades was tested positive a few days before she wrapped up shooting for her last project, the TV series, Le’bet El Nesyan.

A source at the Abu Khalifa Isolation Hospital shared that she had been moved into the intensive care unit last week, as her condition worsened. She was experiencing shortness of breath, headaches and a circulatory collapse on the morning of her death.

Some of her most notable works include El-Wahl (1987), Leh Khaletny Ahebak (2000) and the television series such as Halawet El-Donia (2017). She is survived by a daughter, Amira Hassan Mokhtar.

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