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الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / The 'Model Restaurant' initiative is moving to the Middle East and offering free food to 'beautiful' people

The 'Model Restaurant' initiative is moving to the Middle East and offering free food to 'beautiful' people


If you’re pretty and you know it… grab a plate ‘cos you’re eating for free!

Any of us who are active on social media are pretty clued on to what it takes to be an influencer. And most of the time, you have to just look good. And, any of us who are active on planet Earth know that looking good is super hard work that warrants rewards.

With this logic, it makes sense that businesses are latching onto the trend by offering people who do look good, the ability to eat at their restaurants for free. Aside from being painfully shallow and a horrifying commentary on the state of the world we live in, it does make sense.

The ‘Model Restaurant’ initiative links restaurants to models, who receive complimentary meals in exchange for their presence and social media (mainly Instagram) posts. The initiative is now venturing to the Middle East this year.

Speaking to Arabian Business, the initiative’s creator, Giovanbattista Cimmino said: “With Model Restaurant we are planning to enter the Middle East market by offering our services by the end of 2019,” he said. “The Middle East market is one of the most important and [influential] in the world.”

So, we’ve got that to look forward to then.

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