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الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / Woman tragically finds out that the plant she has been watering for two years is fake
Woman tragically finds out that the plant she has been watering for two years is fake

Woman tragically finds out that the plant she has been watering for two years is fake


Plant parenting is a full-time job, one that should be taken very seriously. These green babies require a lot of love and attention as well as the basics of food and water. That is, provided, that they are real.

One parent was left devastated after discovering that she had spent two years completely overwatering her succulent. In fact, it didn’t need any water at all, because it was made of plastic.

Proud of how well the plant was thriving, Caelie Wilkes also said she had strict watering plan for it, saying she would get “defensive” if anybody else tried to water it. She told her Facebook friends: “I just wanted to keep good care of it. I absolutely loved my succulent.”

She decided to repot the plant with a vase she thought was cute. But, when she removed the plant from it’s original pot, she discovered that the sand it was potted in was glued to a block of foam.

She said : “Tried my hardest to keep it looking it’s best, and it’s completely plastic.

“How did I not know this. I feel like these last two years have been a lie”.

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