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الرئيسية / التيكنولوجيا / Palestinian man warns sauna users of horrifically dangerous mistake that 'almost kills' people
Palestinian man warns sauna users of horrifically dangerous mistake that 'almost kills' people

Palestinian man warns sauna users of horrifically dangerous mistake that 'almost kills' people


After a workout, a man decided to let off a little steam in the sauna, but things went awry when he accidentally ended up recreating a ‘chemical weapon used in WW1’.

He, and a few other people noticed that the room hadn’t gotten warmer so he asked his fellow sauna-goers if he could add water to the rocks to increase the temperature and amount of steam. They agreed and he did.

“The room got much hotter right away,” he said. “For some reason, my eyes started burning and my lungs felt like they were on fire.

“Everyone in the room started wheezing and coughing. We all rushed to get out of the sauna (the door is pretty small) and it was complete chaos.

“Everyone in the pool area was extremely confused as to why we all came flying out of the sauna. We were wheezing and coughing and dry heaving.

“I tried to figure out what was going on and I realized that the pool water is full of chlorine. When I poured it on the rocks, the steam it created must have irritated our eyes, and lungs.

“Sure enough after Googling around a bit when I got home I realized that what I essentially did was gas everyone in the sauna with chlorine gas… which is what was used in WW1 as a chemical weapon.”

The man shared the experience on Reddit where users managed to see the funny side of a horrifically dangerous situation. One user commented: “Darwin Award close call.”

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