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Twitter hilariously captured the Liverpool/Barcelona football match from last night

Twitter hilariously captured the Liverpool/Barcelona football match from last night


Disclaimer: if you’re a Barcelona fan, then look away right now.

The memo was received loud and clear in the first few minutes of yesterday’s football game between Barcelona and Liverpool: The Reds were the better side.

Even Liverpool’s top-notch player Mohamed Salah, who was off field last night, wore a T-shirt reading, ‘Never Give Up’ which said it all.

And no matter what team you support in the Champions League, anyone watching yesterday would attest to this.

Naturally, the aftermath of Barcelona’s terrible loss turned into a victory dance for Liverpool fans around the world. And, just like any other pivotal game of sports, fans did not fail to take to Twitter to express their predictions, thoughts, reactions and of course, insults for the opposing team.

And while the game may have had fans on the edge of their seats, praying to all the higher powers that exist for Liverpool players, real talent was shining bright on Twitter in the forms of memes.

And just like always, come what may in the next match, we will always have the Twitterverse promising us some great content.

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