No one does the "Mr. Brightside" hand-washing technique quite like Brandon Flowers


Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, we’ve all had to make a few changes. Staying indoors, avoiding eating out and even, learning how to wash our hands properly. There have been a number of techniques in which we’ve been told to wash for 20 seconds, some have said to wash for 30 seconds, some have said to wash your hands until you’ve finished singing “Happy Birthday.”

But, our favourite has to be this one

The image originated from the app “Wash Your Lyrics,” designed by William Gibson, a 17-year-old app developer in the UK. He designed the app for people looking to add a bit more fun to their hand-washing routine. “I think it’s important that people spend the recommended 20 seconds no matter how long it takes to sing the song lyrics,” Gibson said, “but myself and a lot of other people that have contacted me are having a lot more fun while washing our hands!”

And it seems like The Killers frontman Brandon Flowers is digging the new trend

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